Monday, August 6, 2012

The 145 Hour Construction Safety Administrator Certificate Course

The 145-Hour Construction Safety Administrator Certificate Course will prepare participants for a career in construction safety management. For those already working in safety, it will round out their educational background with topical information designed to meet the needs of today’s construction industry.

Course Description
Construction represents the largest single purpose industry in the US, employing nearly 6% of the workforce. Unfortunately, it is also the industry with the highest number of occupational fatalities accounting for 20% of the total work related deaths. This disproportionate statistic has driven the cost of insurance for contractors to a point where many have had to close their doors and cease doing business. Costly OSHA citations have also racked up soaring costs. The businesses that have survived have done so by taking strong affirmative actions to prevent losses on the job while removing hazards associated with OSHA penalties. These actions have included developing aggressive safety programs, implementing safety training, and hiring construction safety administrators to advise the company on safety and health matters, insurance and risk control measures, and developing emergency preparedness and response plans. All of these steps have driven the market for dedicated, full time safety and health practitioners.

The 145 Hour Construction Safety Administrator Certificate Course is designed to help address the need for qualified construction safety and health professionals. This certificate program offers entry-level construction safety practitioners an educational opportunity to receive an excellent underpinning for a safety and health career. Seasoned construction safety practitioners will find this a valuable professional development resource and credential. This fast-paced course utilizes subject matter experts that will address key is-sues facing construction safety professionals on the job sites and in the corporate headquarters.

Dec 4, 2012 — May 16, 2013

6-9pm Tuesday and Thursdays
(For occasional field trips, times may vary.)

(10% discount offered to contributors.)

4100 Madison Street,
Hillside ,IL 60162

Call 708-544-2082 ext. 202
for questions or more details.

View brochure and print registration form.

1 comment:

  1. Cant ever be too careful when it comes to construction site safety. Everyone seems to be suing @ every opportunity they get!
