Sunday, December 9, 2012

Warning System for Mobile Equipment

When mobile equipment is operated adjacent to an excavation; the operator must have a clear and direct view of the edge of the excavation, or… A warning system shall be utilized such as barricades, hand or mechanical signals, or stop logs. If possible, the grade should be away from the excavation.

  • Use a signal person.
  • Operators should get out of their vehicles and walk to the rear to look for people, objects and/or confirm clearances.
  • Warn near-by workers who might be in the way.
  • Near-by, on-foot workers must pay attention to the equipment and watch it come to a complete stop.

If you ever see someone not paying attention to a backing up or moving piece of equipment, or if you see someone with their back to traffic – WARN THEM OF THE DANGER IMMEDIATELY!

Motor Vehicle Safety (Additional Information)

  • All equipment left unattended at night must have appropriate lights or reflectors, or barricades equipped with appropriate lights or reflectors, to identify the location of the equipment.
  • All vehicles with cabs must have windshield wipers and operable defogging or defrosting devices.
  • All vehicles must have headlights and brake lights in operable condition.
  • All vehicles must have audible horns.
  • All vehicles with obstructed rear view must be equipped with back-up alarms or the vehicle is backed up only when an observer signals that it is safe to do so.
  • All cab glass must be safety glass, or equivalent, that introduces no visible distortion affecting the safe operation of any machine.
  • Vehicles used to transport employees must have as many seats as there are people and vehicle occupants must wear seat belts.
  • Operators of excavators and backhoes must wear their seat belt when seated in the normal seating arrangement for tractor operation.