Friday, October 10, 2014

First Aid - Some Do's and Don'ts

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When attempting to aid an accident victim, an untrained person may do more harm than good.

Even some of the first aid training you have had in the past may no longer be the best approach. If you have not had first aid training within the past year, limit your assistance to what is immediately necessary to save life and limb and remember these “don’ts.”

1.   Do not treat any injury involving blood or body fluids without first putting on latex gloves.
2.   Do not attempt to move a person with injuries to the back, neck legs or head. Protect them where they lie and especially do not try to get them to stand. Serious aggravation of broken bones, spinal cord injuries or internal bleeding may result.

3.   Do not attempt to straighten a twisted limb. Serious damage to blood vessels, nerves or skin may result.

4.   Do not use tourniquets; direct pressure with a clean bandage will control bleeding.

5.   Do not apply ointments or powders to cuts, scrapes or burns. Use only the clean, dry dressings supplied in the first aid kit.

6.   Do not attempt to rub or wipe a particle from a person’s eye.  Often repeated blinking  will do the trick.  Do take advantage of eye wash stations or eye wash solution in the first aid kit.

7.   Do not raid the first aid kit to replace home supplies. Do notify your supervisor when items are used or missing.

From Assurance Agency

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